

omega r&d

Our research explores and experiments with the latest advancements in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. We use this knowledge to create our own product innovations and bespoke, targeted research for clients.

Specifically, we innovate with algorithms, data models, and tools to map, analyse, and understand markets, behaviours, and multiple business domains. Our goal is to use this ingenuity to create business value and competitive edge.

The Golden Age of AI

head of omega

Artificial Intelligence is a goal-oriented, non-trivial automation that simulates, substitutes, and augments human actions to produce a new business value. It is not explicitly programmed by humans to follow defined steps and has the unique ability to learn from past experiences and streamline its actions over time.

The time has come when AI has matured enough for enterprise use and is no longer a curiosity but a critical competitive advantage factor, with many new practical applications and business opportunities.

Download our research paper to learn more about The Golden Age of AI and our approach to it.

Research on Demand


Research on Demand is our premier, bespoke research service designed to solve complex, interdisciplinary problems and generate practical, valuable innovations well beyond incremental improvements.

Our practice is founded upon close client collaboration, employing practicality, thoughtful experimentations and proven methodologies like design thinking for ideation and quantitative methods for data-driven exploration and validation.

We understand that in today's rapidly changing landscape, simply applying existing knowledge isn't enough, that's why empower our clients by creating new concepts and discovering new knowledge. This supports the improvement of product and service portfolios, the optimization of business models, and the creation of transformative new experiences.

How we work
Innovation Disciplined
Design Thinking
Exclusivity Guaranteed
Optimised variations of industry standard algorithms
Proprietary algorithms invented by us and not available anywhere else
Meticulous configuration & parameterization
High Quality Data Products
Curated datasets of clients data
Industrial ontologies
Standardised models repository
Business rules repository
Business scenarios repository
Extended operational knowledge base
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